Friend of the show, Early Modern historian and cinema iconoclast Chad Denton has launched his new podcast, Trash Cannon. For some reason, he asked me to guest star on the inaugural episode, discussing the occasionally-notorious Criminally Insane 1 and 2 – better known by their much better titles Crazy Fat Ethel 1 and 2. We explore independent cinema of the mid-70s and late-80s, the decline of the California state mental health system (thanks, Ronnie), the collaborations between director Nick Millard and titular star Priscilla Alden, a San Francisco that’s long-since passed into memory, and much more. Check it out – like, share subscribe – and stay tuned.
Category Archives: Podcasts
A Podcast From the After Movie Diner to Kill For
A dark night in a city that’s terrible at keeping secrets is much easier to get through with friends. So I’m once again honored to join Jon “Kick-Ass Kid” Cross, and his partner in movie commentary, Dr. Action, to discuss Sin City (the books), Sin City (the film), Sin City: A Dame to Kill For, and what the nine-year wait between films cost us (RIP Michael Clarke Duncan). As always, you can check out all of Jon’s work at the After Movie Diner’s website, and hear he and Dr. Action talk over your favorite (or not-so-favorite) action films of the 80s and 90s at Dr. Action and the Kick Ass Kid Commentaries.
Guardians of a Podcast from the After Movie Diner
A new theatrical comic book movie means I once again stepped into the sheltering arms of the After Movie Diner. We discuss the state of the Marvel Cinematic Universe at End of Summer, 2014, the various vagaries of Marvel’s 616 universe, both past and present, and a whole mess of other fun stuff along the way. Download the episode directly here (right click, “save target as”) or surf on over to the Diner’s ever-growing YouTube channel and brace yourselves as two nerds have a thorough, nuanced, and actually-critical discussion about the summer’s most beloved (because, really, it’s the Summer’s only) Space Opera.
A Podcast From The After Movie Diner: Reborn
As has become tradition, I sat down with the Supreme British Intelligence and All-Around Awesome Man of Action Jon Cross, inside his After Movie Diner, to discuss the latest superhero shenanigans. Our conversation began with Captain America: The Winter Soldier and, as has also become tradition, spread out from there to touch upon almost all aspects of modern superheroic entertainment. Including, but not limited to, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (Jon stopped watching before Jamie Alexander showed up, poor man) the Marvel One-Shot short films, its upcoming Netflix original series, its upcoming (rumored) regular TV series, and even a few comic books, while we’re at it.
Listen above, or Download the Episode Directly Here (right click, “save target as”)
You can be a friend, find, rate and review Jon’s show in all the following right places:
Stitcher Smart Radio:
and YouTube:
The Traumatic Cinematic Show: Ep. 76 – Days of the Dead Act I
Days of the Dead 2013 Indy brought the Traumatic Trio together for the first time and after 4 days we gathered some incredible content which we now give unto you. In this episode, you’ll find interviews with Leslie (Police Academy, Halloween, Devils Rejects,) Easterbrook and an official Monsters Among You tag team, featuring Jeff Wickedbeard Cochran and Harry Larry (Big and Merry) Lutze!
Check out our Facebook Page for the HUGE PHOTO galleries of both the show AND costume contest! 1000k pictures for you all to enjoy! HIT THE LIKE BUTTON while you are there!
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There is nothing we want more than to hear your opinion (good or bad) on our show and reviews. There is multiple ways to interact with the Traumatic Cinematic trio. The Shows Twitter- @TCPodcastCrew We have a Facebook Group- Our Facebook Page- Email us- TraumaticCinematic@gmail.comTraumatic Cinematic Show Ep. 75: Godzilla vs. Hedorah
Sometimes with a title so big, so large, sooo enormous the Traumatic Trio has to call in backup. This time around the guys are joined by a buckeye licking show know as Idle Chatter. These boys showed up with their A game and we quickly weigh them down to our standard D+ standard. This is the very last stop on the Road to the Days of the Dead and we will be joined IN PERSON by the Idle Chatter show Saturday July 6th at the Days of the Dead horror convention.
Worry not because everyone made it out alive and learned a little something about recycling and not littering! Tune in folks for an interesting orgy of podcasters fighting to get their opinion heard. Is Godzilla vs. Hedorah your favorite? Which of the personalities will love it or hate it… Listen to find out.
Ways to listen-
Subscribe to us on iTunes- to interact-
There is nothing we want more than to hear your opinion (good or bad) on our show and reviews. There is multiple ways to interact with the Traumatic Cinematic trio. The Shows Twitter- @TCPodcastCrew We have a Facebook Group- Our Facebook Page- Email us-
Traumatic Cinematic Show: Ep. 74: Cabin Fever
You can hate it or you can love it but you can’t deny that Eli Roth discovered his calling when creating Cabin Fever. On this road to Days of the Dead the Traumatic Trio are joined again by horrotica author Sara Brooke to discuss the goods and bads of this film along with how it has influenced her writing. Have a listen and find out what turns Sara on and some secretes on what to expect in the future from her.
It was a real pleasure having Sara on the show and I think her fans and our Trauma Fans alike will enjoy this episode. Remember there are several ways you can listen to this show. You can subscribe to the show via iTunes using this link or you can just search Traumatic Cinematic on iTunes. Also you can use the player at the top of this post to stream it or download the mp3. Lastly you can subscribe to our RSS Feed or listen via Spreaker (which is a really great site!)
This Week on Traumatic Cinematic: 7/1/13 w/ Promoter Adolfo G. Dorta
In this episode we had the pleasure of sharing our excitement and anticipation with Adolfo G. Dorta , promoter of Days of the Dead. Mr. Dorta is more than just the face leading DOTD he is the heart that keeps the fake blood flowing. We ask him simple questions, we ask him some tough ones, and we even ask one that we feared would make him hang up. Folks the only way you can experience the charisma that oozes from this mans pores is to listen and listen hard. This is not a show to miss!
On this long journey down the Road to Days of the Dead we have met and conversed with many faces, many personalities, and made some friends along the way. This week is our last stop till we arrive at our destination of horror and wonder alike. We shall storm the halls of the Days of the Dead and immerse ourselves in this underground culture of make-up, blood capsules, and hockey masks. We shall brush shoulders with the heroes and monsters of our childhoods and love every minute of it.
Please subscribe to us on iTunes or use the RSS feed and never miss another amazing episode.
Traumatic Cinematic Show: Ep. 73: Phantasm
Something is wrong in Mike Pearson’s small town of Anywhere, USA: the death rate is climbing and the dead are coming back to life as angry Jawas. The local mortician, the Tall Man, has superhuman strength and a squadron of flying cybernetic death balls to do his bidding. He may be an alien. He may be a Highlander. He may already know Mike is on to him. He certainly knows more than the Traumatic Cinematic crew. Join us as we examine Don Coscarelli’s nightmare opus of psychedelic late-70s horror madness: Phantasm. Will it be the classic fright fest everything says it is, or is the game now finished and do we all die?
You can (and should) find Chris (@Suicidal812) Blair at his Facebook page and on Twitter @Suicidal812. Also check out Monsters Among You group! Don’t forget that you can MEET Chris and US at Days of the Dead Indianapolis July 5-7 2013. Also check out the THIS WEEK on Traumatic Cinematic show Chris did with us a few weeks ago. Act 1 – The Traumatic Trio shoots the shit and explores the interesting hobby Mr. Blair has (cos-play.) They also start to explore the film too! Act 2 Intermission- Some music from the movie… you should know it. Act 3- The levels of hell called back our demonic interview so the Traumatic Trio delve deep into this classic.
Ways to listen-
Subscribe to us on iTunes- to interact-
There is nothing we want more than to hear your opinion (good or bad) on our show and reviews. There is multiple ways to interact with the Traumatic Cinematic trio. The Shows Twitter- @TCPodcastCrew We have a Facebook Group- Our Facebook Page- Email us- MuGumBo (Lewis R. Cougill) Twitter @GenXnerd Website-,,, and MANY MANY MORE. Mike Wickliff Twitter @Greymattersplat David DeMoss Twitter @AYTIWS Website- you’re there right now.
This Week on Traumatic Cinematic (6-24-13) w/ Heroine Diandra Lazor

On this road to Days of the Dead we picked up a beautiful hitchhiker who hasn’t slept in days. The insomniac heroine Diandra Lazor sits in with the Traumatic Trio and shares a bright light of goodness into the stiff mustiness that hangs within the Traumatic Cinematic studio. As the leader of Heroes Within Us Diandra has put together a good guy food drive (Heroes vs. Hunger) taking place at their table at the Indy DOTD event. Bring a can of corn or bucket of brains, I am sure they will some someone interested.
Also on This Week hear about the newest additions to Days of the Dead like Danny Trejo, Thing Fest has gotten bigger, and a very special alien that I imagine will rub his wang all over everything. Also you will hear witty banter and silly shenanigans being planned as the Traumatic Trio gets wound up in anticipation of the event.
Check out this page and you will have a slew of choices to explore Diandra.
Don’t forget to check out the many looks of Diandra Lazor on Facebook and on Twitter@DiandraonElmSt
And check out and support their cause Heroes Within Us and their awesome Heroes Vs. Hunger campain.