Category Archives: Movies

Guardians of a Podcast from the After Movie Diner

Guardians of the After Movie Diner

A new theatrical comic book movie means I once again stepped into the sheltering arms of the After Movie Diner. We discuss the state of the Marvel Cinematic Universe at End of Summer, 2014, the various vagaries of Marvel’s 616 universe, both past and present, and a whole mess of other fun stuff along the way. Download the episode directly here (right click, “save target as”) or surf on over to the Diner’s ever-growing YouTube channel and brace yourselves as two nerds have a thorough, nuanced, and actually-critical discussion about the summer’s most beloved (because, really, it’s the Summer’s only) Space Opera.

Carrie (2013)

At long last, we present our review of the 2013 remake of Carrie. This concludes Carrie-athon 2013, which began with Brian De Palma’s original 1976 film, 1999’s little-remembered The Rage: Carrie 2 and 2002’s best-forgotten made-for-TV remake/backdoor pilot for a series that never aired. With any luck, we’ll have another thirty-seven years before we see another one of these. By then, the “necessary” “updates” to the material might actually be necessary, instead of superficial… Continue reading Carrie (2013)

X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014)

The trade paperback cover...
The trade paperback cover…

In all the annuls of X-Men history, no creative team is so beloved as the human one-two punch that was Chris Claremont and John Byrne. Between 1977 and ’81, those two turned a no-class, Rainbow Coalition of E-, F-, and G-list characters into the X-Men we know, love, and occasionally loathe today: the Gold Standard of Superhero Team Soap Operatics. And out of all the stories they made together – Claremont writing, Byrne drawing, both arguing over which character should die that month – none is more beloved than “Days of Future Past.”

Except, of course, for the Phoenix Saga. Which X-Men: The Last Stand fucked right up. Now, the screenwriter most directly responsible for that mess (at least, according to the WGA), Simon Kinberg, has teamed with the director of Superman Returns to bring us this. My cup runeth over. Continue reading X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014)

A Podcast From The After Movie Diner: Reborn

Winter Soldier

As has become tradition, I sat down with the Supreme British Intelligence and All-Around Awesome Man of Action Jon Cross, inside his After Movie Diner, to discuss the latest superhero shenanigans. Our conversation began with Captain America: The Winter Soldier and, as has also become tradition, spread out from there to touch upon almost all aspects of modern superheroic entertainment. Including, but not limited to, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (Jon stopped watching before Jamie Alexander showed up, poor man) the Marvel One-Shot short films, its upcoming Netflix original series, its upcoming (rumored) regular TV series, and even a few comic books, while we’re at it.

Listen above, or Download the Episode Directly Here (right click, “save target as”)

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Godzilla vs. Hedorah (1971)

So it came to pass that greed and short-sighted foolishness saved Godzilla from an early death after 1968’s Destroy All Monsters. The next year’s entry, Godzilla’s Revenge, was a half-thought-out desperation play, rushed into theaters before anyone could notice just how final the final shots of Destroy All Monsters really were…especially that long pull-back of Godzilla and Son as the two literally wave goodbye to the camera…

Bye-bye! See you next film!
Bye-bye! See you next film!

…as much as they could in those suits. Continue reading Godzilla vs. Hedorah (1971)