A classic tale based off a board game nearly everyone has played. Join the TC Podcast Crew in their exploration of this star studded cast and the buckets full of mystery, murder, and puns. See if you can figure out “who dunnit!” Visit Traumatic Cinematic on Facebook, follow Traumatic Cinematic on Twitter, send your love and affection to TraumaticCinematic [at] gmail [dot] com, and Don’t forget to check out TraumaticCinematic.com
Tag Archives: Traumatic Cinematic Show
The Traumatic Cinematic Podcast vs. RoboCop
The Traumatic Cinematic Podcast – Hitchcocktober Episode IV – A New Terror
The Traumatic Cinematic Halloween Variety Show Spectacular
In honor of this Most Wonderful Time of the Year, when the boundaries between worlds are at their thinnest, The Traumatic Cinematic Podcast presents exactly 66 minutes and 6 seconds of spooky (and, in one noteworthy instance, sexy) stories from the absolute best in modern podcasting. Join our Dr. Jeckle and Mr. Hyde of a host Lewis (@GenXnerd *MuGumBo*) Cougill, Mike (@Greymattersplat) Wickliff, Jon (@AfterMovieDiner) Cross, Moe (@DrunkonVHS) Porne, Sexy (@DirtybitPodcast) Sherry, Corey (@WizemenFilms) Miller, and, of course, me – your humble narrator – as we fuse the best parts of Old and New Schools into one great big pulsating, ulcerated mass of ear-candy.
Obligatory warning, so no one can say I didn’t give you one: this podcast contains explicit situations described in explicit language. Explicitly. Listener discretion is advised…because none of us want to find out how prudish you really are.
The Traumatic Cinematic Podcast – Hitichcocktober Episode III – Revenge of the Creepy Guys
In this third installment of Traumatic Cinematic’s celebration of Alfred Hitchcock, we discuss my third favorite film of 1951, Strangers on a Train – and the many, many films it went on to inspire. Including Danny DeVito’s feature film debut, 1987’s Throw Momma from the Train. Visit Traumatic Cinematic on Facebook, follow Traumatic Cinematic on Twitter, send your hate mail to TraumaticCinematic [at] gmail [dot] com and tell all your friends about the show.
The Traumatic Cinematic Podcast: Hitchcocktober Episode II – Attack of the Knowledge

Once again, the Traumatic Cinematic Show plumbs the depths of Alfred Hitchcock’s filmography, discussing 1956’s The Man Who Knew Too Much…which inevitably brings up 1934’s Man Who Knew Too Much, and how remakes in general don’t have to suck. This, as you might imagine, gets terribly serious. So we’ve counterbalanced it with a discussion of Bill Murray’s 1997’s vehicle, The Man Who Knew Too Little. And then I go a little crazy, but I hope you’ll all understand. I’ve done my best to document my problems with 1997 and we’ll have another opportunity to go over them very soon. Until then, visit Traumatic Cinematic on Facebook, follow Traumatic Cinematic on Twitter, send your hate mail to TraumaticCinematic [at] gmail [dot] com and tell all your friends about me and my friends, and how we get together once a week to talk about movies.
Revenge of The Traumatic Cinematic Podcast

In this, the thirty-second episode of Traumatic Cinematic, I re-join hosts MuGumbo and Mike (@Greymattersplat) Wickliff to discuss the especially traumatizing, but surprisingly varied, career of Takeshi Miike, director of (among many other things) Audition, Hara-kiri: Death of a Samurai and 13 Assassins. As before, we used this as our excuse to discuss many other wonderful things, such as: remakes that don’t suck, the Great Late-90s Wave of Asian Horror that Audition and Miike rode to glory, and the state of modern international cinema in general. All this and more can nestle safely inside your brain, either through the player above or your favorite mobile device, once you’ve downloaded the episode through the link below.
Download the episode here (right click, “save target/link as”)