Category Archives: Videos

A Time to Break Silence

In honor of a great man and his birthday we present the speech they should’ve told you about in school. Oh yes, I say it plain: this is “Beyond Vietnam: A Time to Break the Silence.” “And we are now faced with the fact, my friends, that tomorrow is today. We are confronted with the fierce urgency of now.”

Originally delivered at the Riverside Church, New York, New York, on April 4, 1967.

Captain America: The First Avenger (2011)

It’s been a long, strange trip, reviewing all these Captain America films. So, with a heavy heart, I laid my seven bucks down and sat through the sixth one I’ve seen this year: Captain America: The First Avenger. How was it? Ask the hideous talking head below what he thought.

A musical interlude

Yeah, no Godzilla this week either. I suck. To make up for it, here’s someone else’s music video. If you like MC Chris, watch this. If you like Twin Peaks, watch this. But if you like editing, and if you fancy yourself an editor as well, watch this and take some fucking notes, because it’s brilliant.

Oh, and this should go without saying, but I never like to assume: if you’re screwing off at work, get yourself some headphones.

(For those who don’t speak Jive, here’s the lyrics sheet)