If you find yourself in Indianapolis, Indiana, USA, between July 5 and July 7, the Traumatic Cinematic crew and I will be attending the Days of the Dead convention at the Wyndham Indianapolis West hotel. Come for the stars – including Haruo “original Godzilla” Nakajima, Keith David, Tony Todd, Linda Blair, both Buseys (Gary and Jake) Bill Moseley and the entire cast of the Blair Witch Project. Stay for the fans and their shenanigans, which are always inevitably more interesting anyway. My colleagues and I will be touring the floor, having the best damn time three sober dudes can have in a convention center full of other nerds….Well…okay…two sober dudes. I, for one, plan to make this a full-on experiment in Gonzo Journalism. So fear not: even if you can’t make it, you will reap an entertaining whirlwind once I write the experience up. Hell, I might even bring The Camera.
For those interested in joining us and the attendant fray, convention information lives here