Continue reading Let’s Play Demon’s Souls: Part 5 – And You Are Going Down
Category Archives: Video Games
Godzilla (The PS4 Game) (2015)
Let’s Play Demon’s Souls: Part 4 – WTF Is Going On Around Here?
In this episode, we return to the Nexus and get a big ol’ heaping helping of exposition. Questions of the narrator’s reliability, both in-game and out-, naturally arise.
Crysis (2007)
Let’s Play Demon’s Souls: Part 3 – In Which We Beware the Blob
In this episode, we continue our fight through the outskirts of Boletarian Palace, play chicken with dragons, lose, then win, and stay winning in the face the demon Phalanx…insofar as such a thing can be said to have a face.
Let’s Play Demon’s Souls: Part 2 – In Which We Carry Water for the 0.0001%
In this episode, we breach the gates of Boletarian Palace and discuss how this first level both encourages and suppresses the ever-present urge to Rage Quit…aww, crap – that should’ve been this episode’s title, shouldn’t it?
Let’s Play Demon’s Souls: Part 1 – In Which We Sing the Doom Song
While the cool kids enjoy their Bloodborne, Your Humble Narrator goes back in time to wax rhapsodic about the 2009 RPG Demon’s Souls.
In this video, we break through the Fog Wall into the northern kingdom of Boletaria and are greeted as liberators with an old-fashioned chili cook-off…
The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug (2013)
Trash Culture’s Final Fantasy Retrospective Part 5: Mystic Quest
By Chad Denton

Wasn’t the ad campaign for this game a horrible lie, even by the standards of ad campaigns?
Okay, okay, I’m going to come out and admit that it’s not fair to call Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest a bad game, not in a strict sense anyway. It set out to provide a basic, watered-down introduction to console RPGs and, honestly, it achieved that goal quite well. But at the same time it represented what was probably the most condescending message a company ever made to its own fanbase. Square was basically proclaiming to Americans, you all can’t handle our real product (which in this case would be Final Fantasy V) so we’re going to give you a version that’s more up to your speed – and that speed would be somewhere along the lines of a golf cart with a defective engine. Hell, when they released the game in Japan they even titled it Final Fantasy USA. Square might as well have subtitled it “This is what Americans think a RPG should be! Ha ha! They embarrass us by buying our games!”
Now I’m sure there were other elements to Square’s decision. Like the ad emphasizes, Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest was also cheaper, selling for $40 at a time when most RPGs for the Super Nintendo ran in the $50 – $60 range. But, trust me, you could see where you saved that money. The game didn’t even have its own graphical signature; most of the graphics were souped-up and colorized from Final Fantasy Legend III. You could also pretty much beat the entire game in a day or two of even casual playing, which was great if – like me – you made a habit out of renting video games and even RPGs for the weekend (P.S. I still curse the assholes who always erased my saved games when they rented the games before I could!), but not so good if you bought it expecting something like the 40 hour minimum players could expect to put into Final Fantasy IV. Continue reading Trash Culture’s Final Fantasy Retrospective Part 5: Mystic Quest
Trash Culture’s Final Fantasy Retrospective (Part 1A)

By Chad Denton
“Final Fantasy” fans who got hooked in the ’00s don’t know how lucky they were. Being an old-school fan, who was literally with the franchise from the start, was a weird ordeal for anyone living outside Japan and wasn’t enough of a hardcore gamer to own a genuine Famicon and have the ability to fluently read Japanese. The majority of the games in the series were simply not available to people unwilling to learn Japanese until the advent of the Internet, emulators, and fan-translations, and even if you did know enough Japanese to play the games it was still a hassle and an expense to actually order the games and a Famicon or Super Famicon to play them. To twist the knife, Square made the decision to title the real “Final Fantasy IV” as Final Fantasy II, which eventually created a huge (and now proverbial among console RPG fans) amount of confusion when saps like me finally got wise to the fact that all of North America was deemed unworthy to receive the series in full (I suppose it’s a good thing they ended the policy before “Final Fantasy VII” became “Final Fantasy IV.”) To make matters even more confusing, Square, despite the international success of the Final Fantasy franchise, decided that RPGs were unprofitable in the North American market and that the only RPGs that had any chance of selling had to be under the Final Fantasy brand name. So, when they did decide to release two other RPG franchises to North America, they released them as Final Fantasy Adventure and Final Fantasy Legend,despite the two series having almost nothing in common, even in gameplay, with any of the Final Fantasy games that did make it to North America and Europe. I never played “Final Fantasy Adventure” until fairly recently, but I did get to experience “Final Fantasy Legend,” albeit years after the series was first released on Game Boy. Continue reading Trash Culture’s Final Fantasy Retrospective (Part 1A)