Greyscale is in one menu, Hue and Saturation are in two others. Ponder this.
It’s Oscar time again. Which means it’s time for everyone to break into their pre-existing camps and start hating each other. In marketing terms, controversy is a “guaranteed buy” for my fellow Americans, especially in an Election Year™ as depressing as this one’s sure to be. This year the controversy comes with its own Twitter hashtag, same as last year, because that’s just the age we live in. But at least this hashtag has the benefit of expressing a true statement: #OscarsSoWhite Continue reading The Oscars, Their Whiteness & Their Utter Contempt for Us All: An Exercise in Overanalysis→
Having defeated Cleric Beast & awakened a Plain Doll, we’re charged (by a note on the floor) with halting the scourge of blood and beasts, lest the night (and this playthrough) carry on forever.
Thanks to the generous donation of a friend & the fact it’s October, let’s play some Bloodborne, a game of Gothic Victoriana, melee-fighting werewolves, giant dudes with bricks, and blood-based techno-magic. It’s insane. I love it and I’m going ramble incoherently over it until you do, too.
Our review of Crysis 2, the 2011 sequel to 2007’s benchmark PC shooter. It’s…a slow-motion train wreck of not-nearly-epic-enough proportions, no matter what Hans Zimmer’s music tries to tell you. Part the 2nd of a series we’re still calling The Downfall of the First-Person Shooter.