Words can’t describe how psyched I was when Mike “@Greymattersplat” Wickliff suggested Traumatic Cinematic look at Six String Samurai. It remains one of my favorite movie of 1998, no question. And I’m even more psyched by the opportunity to tell as many people about this film as humanly possible. It’s a rare thing in this age of over-marketing: a genuine cult classic of independent American cinema. Listen, rate and review the show on your podcast provider of choice and get in contact with us, either through here or through TraumaticCinematic.com
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I watched Six String Samurai back in the day and didn’t really know what to make of it back then. The only things I remembered were the weird tinny voice of the Buddy Holly samurai, and the awesomeness of the Red Elvises.
Will have to check this out again.
Do. You’ll be glad you did.